
Ice Breaker / Auricle
Bunny and Shark
You Have Hair Like Flags
SOFA Magazine

Writing-with artists

Celia Perrin Sidarous  PDF
Pil and Galia Kollectiv PDF
Heidi Sopinka WEB
Frances Adair Mckenzie
-Michelle Furlong
-Kelly Andres
-Benny Nemerofsky Ramsay

-Max Guther

Bunny and Shark

My first novel, Bunny and Shark, follows a woman cast-out of her life at middle age, and forced to eke out an existence on abandoned sailboats in the Caribbean. “Bunny” copes by forging temporary shelters until the very same shark appears to set her transformation into play. For the latter novel, I was awarded a Canada Council Research and Creation grant (2012) and a CALQ Writers in residency award in Brussels, Belgium (2013).

Book*Hug (2014)
Alisha Piercy is a Montréal-based author,
artist and paintings conservator. CV + BIO